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3 Primrose Street                                        
Newtown, CT 06470
203.270.4276 Tel
203.270.4278 Fax

January 24, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room #3
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

Present: Commissioners Hovious, Kaley, Wilson and Henderson
Staff: Lynn Kovack
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.

Public Participation : No members of the public were present

  EDC Strategic Plan: Commission received letter from Economic Development Commission asking for feedback on their strategic plan.  The Sub-committee of Commissioners Hovious, Cramer and Wilson will meet on January 30, 2012 to discuss their plans. Commission will discuss further at next meeting.       

     Approval of Minutes of 1/10/12: Under work orders: Change to: Parks and Rec has begun work on Aspen Drive invasive removal. Under property markings: Will insert Leopard Drive between onto and open space on 2nd line. Will change under new business item#2 Printer as follows: Rob put request into Scott Sharlow for printer access from CC laptop so commission may begin printing maps. Minutes were otherwise approved as amended.                 

Administrative Items

Project Management/Task List: task list: reminded commission to review NRI before the February 28th discussion. 
Year End Review/Setting Goals for 2012: Goals for 2012 as follows:
Develop strategic plan
Trail at Pole Bridge
Mark more properties
Marketing Brochures
Acquire Open Space Parcels
Open space maps and deeds for all properties and inspection reports
Barberry Blitz
     Obtain all Approvals for Al’s Trail
Old Business and Action Items
  Fairfield Hills Open Space : No new updates  
      Solar Panels: Joe Hovious and Mary Wilson attended the hearing of the IWC re solar panels at the STP. Joe       asked about any water temperature increases that might be expected. Mary asked about run-off as it might affect   the brook nearby.      
      Work Orders: No new updates      
      Open Space 37-3-14 : No new updates      
    TBDAC Position Paper: Helped to finalize paper and circulated among CC members for approval. First two      items having to do with hunting on open space and invasives were presented verbally by Marj Cramer at the BOS      meeting on January 19. Copies of the complete position paper were given to all selectmen.                                                                   
Use of High School volunteers: Commissioner Hovious suggested a student good in power point and or taking an art/design class. Would like them to build brochure for properties such as Pole Bridge. Could also make invasive posters, handouts, etc. Commissioner Wilson will discuss with Commissioners Germain and Cramer and then send follow up email to Peg Regany at NHS to get started.        
Committee/Staff Reports
Trail Building: No new updates  
Forest Evaluation: Discussed the deer reduction program and summarizing what the commission has so far. Identify larger parcels that are forested. Status of open space areas which are mostly forest. Look at inventory and sort out. Should put all this together for commissions and or BOS to look over if requested.       
OS Inventory and Maintenance Progress: Commissioner Kaley received call from Debbie Aurelia regarding deeds so we may proceed with the inventory. Otherwise no new updates noted.       
Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status : Commission will work on property markings at the end of Leopard Drive. Will also mark Middleton, Diamond Drive and Tunnel Road. They are planning on doing this February 1, 2012. The Commission will meet at Municipal office at 9:00 to coordinate.        
Natural Resources Inventory Status Report:      
Conservation Easement on WWTP: No new updates   
Status of Halfway River fishing access: No new updates  
Iroquois invasive documentation: No new updates                         
Education Committee: No new updates     
Invasives Sub-committee: Mary Wilson and Adria Henderson met with Kitsey Snow and Terry McMahon from the Ridgefield CC. A co-ordinated effort is being planned for barberry reduction. Other are CCs will be contacted in the hopes that pressure can be put on local nurseries and the state legislature to ban all cultivars of barberry.     
Al’s Trail: No new updates. Areas around Hoseye Coach and Marlin Road have been marked. 
New Business: No new business to present

Executive Session as needed:  No executive session needed

Meeting was adjourned at 8:37 P.M.